The New England Orienteering Club

Nagog Hill, Acton, MA
October 9-16, 2021
Meet Director: Xavier Fradera

The BYOM event at Nagog Hill was quite successful, with a good number of starts, especially on Orange. We used a new map, and even though it is small area it provides good orienteering terrain and beautiful forest at this time of year. Thanks to Jon for preparing the map, Karen for the QR set up and helping to place controls, Sylvie for testing the courses and helping collect controls, and Jim for taking care of the web site.

 Split times can be analyzed on WinSplits. The raw splits file is available under Results > Raw Splits Files.

NEOC is what we make it!

Bring your ideas for improvement and offers to help to a Board member or Meet Director.
NEOC reimburses expenses, but the time and energy come from people who love orienteering!
NEOC is an all-volunteer organization.